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sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

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Now finally receiving the bitter fruit of hearts heavy sigh, I put away all kinds of useful work in nearly 20 minutes before, I have proved that they have all the techniques, they can not to block the advance of these ugly guy.
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miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

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Suffered the ambush of the Holy Knights and leader is a powerful Haig Elohim, even if the face of that will be mind and body are all dedicated to the monster of the deep God, he never such fear.
Not only filled with fear, and even his hands, the Zhebing Jian also because of the fear and tremor.
Zhebing ancestral sword claimed the lives of many people do not know, already accustomed to seeing death and danger, pirate island that chamber into a stronger force it is supposed to be fearless, but now it and its emit light like a storm in the sea is generally turbulent.
Luo Saimu clearly feel the magic in the hands of the sword is fast dissipation his sword became so powerful because of absorption of a powerful magic, but magic weapons the sword itself is not carefully crafted.
Legitimate Luosai Mu feel exhausted, at the same time in the hands of the sword is about to run out of magic energy when suddenly an old man floating in the air to.
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In peacetime, Luo Saimu Buzhi Yu so panic-stricken old man's strength, he knows very clearly that, although there is no hope of winning, get out always able to do so.
But now to the mad Master mix live not get out, if the old man want to take this opportunity to deal with, definitely is a great opportunity.
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Absolutely no concept of cherish the old love for the young barbarians, intervene in the situation of the war is his enemy, so he did not want to ax a turn toward the old man Pila down.
The hands of the pirate king to take this opportunity to show spiculated sword, draw a beautiful blue arc to cover your body, flying a channeling left fighting skills.
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Also for this reason that their existence is necessary, especially now this special time Kaao Qi Kingdom around the corner, to give up the target of the Suofei En Kingdom, Ledeen Wang Guocheng to the maximum possible.
In this case, their own once again become an important pawn in one may be able to decide the outcome of a pawn.
Luo Saimu did not even look back one behind the situation of the war, flying a vertical over-the-counter and ran toward the fighting skills he must promptly return to the pirate island, in the hands of the sword to restore power.
Central in the Colosseum, the barbarians Make Lu felt themselves in a quagmire in general.
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viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

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martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

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 up Ning, the rate of soldiers into the side of the off guard. Sangui command hundreds of thousands of military and civilian to the Commissioner embarked on the 16th entry on the 20th to the rich, but when Sangui learned that Beijing was Li Zicheng Dashun peasant army captured after hesitant. Li Zicheng of course, know to appease Sangui the importance he Sangui the father to appease Sangui, and the smooth transfer of Shanhaiguan, but it was temporary occurrence of a change Sangui suddenly abandon the convention refused to surrender and beat in Luanzhou, down the Tang through Bai Guangen Dashun advance force,whiteboardmarker, led and hurries back to Shanhaiguan.
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Li Zicheng present strength of the capture of Shanhaiguan only time, but in the hearts of Li Zicheng always have an uneasy feeling. If we say why disturbed by Li Zicheng can not tell. Can only say that over the years campaign experience had taught him something was wrong.

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lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012

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Fool to want things quietly suppressed, and the pursuit of temporary peace, let him disappointed, shaking his head: promise me home endowment me an old man to stay here what the finished just keep away, holding the disappointment of the generation of the prime minister to go, perhaps, he really felt the old old days, Gone.
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domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

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Just a half a minute, who are in the air crossing point on the issue of the huge sound of heavy objects rolling, The roar is getting closer to the moment when all sounds disappear, it is also feeding soil If also the other monsters, this time up and down does not focus on is the best time for us to attack. However, I did not say anything, but quietly await the landing of Of course, you might ask, Is it fell to the ground of attack there is any effect of fragmentation?
My answer is of course the same is in the negative. From the beginning, I did not dwarf the army as the main fighting dwarf family has a strong combat power, nothing more than strength and powerful earth magic, and a relatively weak fire Magic and similar to the Oriental mainland Department, a special kind of magic.
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sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

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jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

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